• Beyond the Labcoat

    Insight into the science that matters

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  • The Podcast


    Today we'll be discussing some key facts about mould and dampness and your health. I'm going to...
    Influenza is known to cause 3 -5 million cases of severe illness and 250,000 - 5000,000 deaths...
    If the Book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill was a wake up call for a generation of...
  • About

    Beyond the Labcoat is a podcast about exciting science that can help you change your life. If you want to live longer and feel healthier then you need factual information backed up by science. Join me as I review some of the best papers that hide in the journals and take control of your life today.


    This show began on Bumpers.fm in September 2017 and is also available on iTunes.


    Unfortunately Bumpers.fm that we originally used for recording and editing is closing down and we are therefore moving to Anchor.fm from March 24th 2018.

  • Contributors

    Your Host

    broken image

    Dr Cameron Jones

    BSc, Grad Dip App Sci, PhD

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    Medical Disclaimer

    The information provided on this Site and/or in this Podcast is provided for information purposes only. If you are a patient using this Site and/or information detailed in this Podcast, you should seek assistance from a health care professional when interpreting these materials and applying them to your individual circumstances.


    If you have any concerns about your health, consult your general practitioner. Information provided on this Site and/or in this Podcast does not imply endorsement of third-party services or products and cannot provide you with health and medical advice.